Pay as you go
For builders and
Billed monthly
For teams
getting started
Billed monthly
For teams streaming UE5 experiences at scale
Billed monthly
For teams that need the highest fidelity possible
Not sure where to start? Create a free account to explore Odyssey.
Pay as you go
For builders and
Billed monthly
For teams
getting started
Billed monthly
For teams streaming UE5 experiences at scale
Billed monthly
For teams that need the highest fidelity possible
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To deploy your project, you need to purchase stream credits, which represent the amount of GPU resource you have available to stream your application. 1 credit = 1 hour of stream time.
2 hours of stream time (2 credits) renew each month on Pro or Enterprise tier. Any unused renewable streaming credits will not roll over.
However, additional streaming credits that you've purchased will roll over until they've been used.
With Odyssey you only pay for what you use. You do not have to notify Odyssey of large events, estimate attendance, or pay in advance for expected high usage. Our GPUs and servers elastically scale in real time with your demand.
Admin seats are users that have access to your organization's workspace dashboard. They can see, edit, or create new spaces, upload UE5 projects in Bridge, and admins can make purchases or invite new users.
Yes - you can invite unlimited editors to a single space.
You can also "publish" a space - which allows you to invite non-editor users to your space.